Here I am once again out in the wilds of Central Asia and today, with a few hours to kill waiting for a connecting flight, I struck upon a new approach to an idea that I'd been thinking about for a while. I wanted to look at the AGD Starfield routine and see if I could enhance it in some way. I'm not going to get into the exact ins and outs of the whole routine, but essentially there are five types of particle that can be generated in AGD - a horizontal laser, an explosion pixel, a trail pixel, a horizontal scrolling pixel, and a vertical scrolling pixel. Each one has its own routine that controls its movement - for example, explosion pixels spawn at the explosion point and have a random 'outward' angle. Trail pixels are spawned at the current co-ordinate, and slowly trickle away. Horizontal 'stars' are pixels which are spawned at the right side of the screen, and move from right to left, and of course Vertical 'stars' start at the top of the screen ...