Hello there happy coders. I'm currently in a cheap hotel room in the Northeast of Bishkek, Kyrgystan. Watching the world cup, living mostly on green tea and cherries. Seems like a good time to start a code blog...
Ok, so I've been thinking over the idea of destructible levels in AGD for a while now. Basically the idea is to have a more advanced equivalent of the 'fodder' block - this kind of block can be destroyed by the player in game. The problem with this however, is that these blocks are restored when the player returns to a room. This means we can't create levels for players to open up themselves. What we want here is the ability to preserve the blocks that have been removed so that when you exit a room and then come back in, they will not be restored - they will remain the way that the player left them. This opens up the possibility of areas of game being inaccessible to the player until they dig or blast their way through. So, what are the considerations? The first and most obvious consideration is that we will need to store the changes made to the rooms somewhere. This could take up a lot of space quite quickly if we don't plan it properly. At the same time, it will...
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